The method of the invention allows, by means of an iterative inversion algorithm, prediction of the spatial distribution of the lithologic composition of sediments deposited in a sedimentary basin during a geologic time interval, and the temporal evolution of the depositional profile throughout filling of the basin, while respecting exactly the thicknesses of the sedimentary sequences measured otherwise which is useful for locating hydrocarbon reservoirs. Input data of thickness maps of the sedimentary layer, location and composition of the sediment supply at the boundaries of the sedimentary basin, and physical parameters characterizing transport of the sediments during the period of consideration are applied to an iterative inversion loop initialized by the accommodation provided by a stationary multilithologic diffusive model which works as a fixed-point algorithm correcting the accommodations by means of a preconditioning of the residue on the sequence thicknesses obtained by an instationary model.


< Integrated removable functional faceplate for portable computer system

> Space management of an IMS database

~ 00414