The invention discloses the sequences of variant forms of alpha-fetoprotein transcripts that have been identified in human hemopoietic progenitors but not in differentiated mature cells. The variant forms of AFP (vAFP) cDNA sequences isolated from a multipotent hemopoietic cell line, K562, differ from the authentic AFP transcript, consisting of 15 exons, by lacking only exon 1. Instead of exon 1, vAFP transcripts use an additional one or two exons located in the 5'-untranslated region of the AFP gene. K562 expressed selectively vAFP, whereas a hepatocellular carcinoma cell line, HepG2, showed no detectable expression of vAFP. In normal adult tissues, vAFP transcripts is detected in the bone marrow, thymus and brain, but not the spleen, suggesting the expression occurs in normal hemopoietic progenitors. Moreover, CD34+Lin- hemopoietic stem/progenitor cells purified by flow cytometric sorting also express the variant transcripts.


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