A graphics and video controller 105 is provided which includes a dual aperture interface 206 for receiving words of graphics and video pixel data, each word of such data associated with an address directing that word to be processed as either graphics or video data. Circuitry 200, 201, 202, 207, 208 is provided for writing a word of the pixel data received from the interface 206 to a one of the on- and off-screen memory areas corresponding to the address associated with the received word. Circuitry 201, 202 is provided for selectively retrieving graphics and video data from the on-screen and off-screen memory areas. A first pipeline 205 is provided for processing data received from the on-screen area of frame buffer 107 while a second pipeline 204 is provided for processing data retrieved from the off-screen area of the frame buffer.

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> User interface for automated diagnostic hearing test

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