This invention relates to formulations for the prevention of infection and/or abnormal conditions of mucosae and/or skin caused by any pathogen and/or any disease, and more particularly for the prevention of sexually transmitted infections specially HIV and HSV. This invention also relates to formulations for the treatment of infection and/or abnormal conditions of skin and/or mucosac and more particularly for the treatment of herpetic lesions. The formulations could be used as a prophylactic agent to prevent accidental infection of health care workers. The formulations could be used for the healing and/or treatment of bum wounds and prevention of further infection. This invention also relates to the development of a unique vaginal/ano-rectal applicator for the uniform delivery of any topical formulations to treat and/or prevent any infection and/or abnormal conditions of mucosa cavity caused by any pathogen and/or disease.


> Nucleic acid of novel human kinesin-related gene protein encoded by the nucleic acid peptide fragment thereof and anticancer agents comprising the nucleic acid and the like

~ 00333