The golfrisbee sport is to launch the golfrisbee to fly into a portable golfrisbee basket or push the golfrisbee mounted on a universal put and hole to roll into a cavity. The golfrisbee emulates the human throwing process to launch the disk to fly. Swiveling golfrisbee pole to rotate golfrisbee disk to have frictionless take-off launching, the screw provides the frictionless lock, frictionless launch and frictionless take-off depending on the specified screw position. As the disk rotates due to the eccentric force, the disk automatically launches and takes off to fly at the specified position. The golfrisbeer swivels the club to launch the golfrisbee to fly. The golfrisbee is launched to fly with the waist force to swivel the club at very high speed. With the high-speed swiveling club, the golfrisbee flies much farther and higher than the hand-throwing flying disk does. The complicated throwing process of human brain and hand cooperation mechanism is emulated with the simple screw mechanism. With the screw mechanism, we make the technology breakthrough in the swivel-to-launch technology. As the golfrisbeer swivels the club, the golfrisbee disk automatically rotates due to the eccentric force. As the club reaches the designated launching point, the golfrisbee automatically takes off and launches to fly in the sky. With the integrated multimedia device, the rainbow-like shining light and whistling harmonic sound make the golfrisbee much more fun to play with. Furthermore, reverse the club and upside down of the golfrisbee, the golfrisbee can be pushed to skid into the hole as the ice hockey does. Therefore, without any new special facility, the golfrisbee sport is the combination of the golf, flying disk, baseball, ice hockey, etc. Golfrisbee is a market-pull product and technology--the market is already there and no proper product. It provides the repeatable, accurate, far away throw with frictionless take-off of flying disk with the swiveling of pole. Therefore, the golfrisbee is proposed to be and will be the standard of the disk-golf sport.


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