A point-of-sale order system utilizes a relatively non-obtrusive transmitter-receiver device which includes a microphone for receiving order information and a speaker for receiving confirmation of the order information. The system utilizes voice recognition software in order to control processing and data flow during order taking operations, and to receive order information from the server in real time during interaction with the customer. A relatively limited database of recognizable words define computing commands and order information. An audible feedback is provided to the server which is relatively unobtrusive, and which provides the server with a positive indication that the order information has been fully and correctly received and processed.

Web www.patentalert.com

< Event revenue management system

< Apparatus and method for providing a provider-selected message in response to a user request for user-selected information

> Method for managing an electronic-commerce shopping cart

> Methods and systems for electronic order routing (CORS)

~ 00287