A method and apparatus are disclosed for testing the accuracy of digital test images generated by a computer graphics program executed on a computer graphics system. A test program is utilized to compare a test image with a reference image. Regional image quantification verification aims at an image comparison test that accepts minor color value differences and spatial shifts in rendered pixel values. The test image and reference image are divided into corresponding sub-regions. The average color value for each sub-region of the test image is compared to the average color value of the corresponding reference image sub-region and also to other nearby reference image sub-regions. A test image is unacceptably different from a reference image, if for any sub-region of the test image, no reference image sub-region is found with an average color value difference and spatial shift less than specified maximums.

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< Temperature-controlled gas microscope

< Touch sense interface and method for controlling touch sense interface

> Designing force sensations for force feedback computer applications

> Method and apparatus for global image quantification verification

~ 00282