Upconversion methods and devices that converts near-infrared light to the visible spectrum using a rare-earth-doped crystalline host for use as general and decorative lighting. The pseudo-monochromatic output of the processes can be specified by altering the amount and type of rare-earth material used and by selection of an appropriate host. Using rare-earth materials such as ytterbium-erbium or ytterbium-thulium can produce red, green and blue emissions, where the additive mixture of these colors yields a high-quality white light. The materials can be adjusted to achieve white light with any color temperature and high color-rendering index (CRI) for any general and decorative lighting applications both indoors and outdoors.

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< Fluorine-containing material for optical waveguide

< Diode-pumped alkali amplifier

> Flat display device

> Two-group zoom lens

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