Provided are methods and systems for integrating the access controls of computer resources into a namespace or domain. For a remote user, a computer network or system is a namespace represented by a URL. In order to enforce the access controls of the computer network being accesses, a remote user is impersonated by a server of the computer system such that access requests to the resources of a system are made by the server in the security context of the remote user. By impersonating the remote user, the actual rights of the remote user are being presented to the access controls rather than the rights of the server. In this manner, the access control of the system can be enforced directly on the remote user and the access control is effectively extended to the namespace.


< Apparatus and method for load balancing of fixed priority threads in a multiple run queue environment

< Distributed types and proxy refinement

> Keyboard

> Transitional image for a portion of a display screen

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