The method for the fabrication of nano scale temperature sensors and nano scale heaters using focused ion beam (FIB) techniques. The process used to deposit metal nano strips to form a sensor is ion beam assisted chemical vapor deposition (CVD). The FIB Ga+ ion beam can be used to decompose W(CO)6 molecules to deposit a tungsten nano-strip on a suitable substrate. The same substrate can also be used for Pt nano-strip deposition. The precursors for the Pt can be trimethyl platinum (CH3)3Pt in the present case. Because of the Ga+ beam used in the deposition, both Pt and W nano-strips can contain a certain percentage of Ga impurities, which we denoted as Pt(Ga) and W(Ga) respectively. Our characterization of the response of this Pt(Ga)/W(Ga) nano scale junction indicates it has a temperature coefficient of approximately 5.4 mV/ C. This is a factor of approximately 130 larger than the conventional K-type thermocouples.


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