The present invention relates to a streamlined magnetic brain wave stimulation apparatus, which receives electronic signals based upon pre-recorded brain wave patterns. The brain wave patterns actuate electromagnets placed on a user's neck adjacent to the user's brainstem, to create a plurality of magnetic pulses to influence a user's brain centers to influence a desired mental state. Rhythmic electrical brain wave signals are recorded, identified, divided and repeated to create a streamlined brain wave signal to induce a desired mental state. The streamlined patterns are then recorded on a suitable memory means. When the memory means is actuated, the rhythmic electrical signals are sent to electromagnets located in proximity to the back of the user's neck in proximity to the posterior aspect of the user's superior cervical region, in an area that is immediately inferior to the cranial cavity to electromagnetically stimulate the brain stem, to influence a desired mental state. This produces a gentle magnetic stimulation, which is neither felt nor discerned by the user. The gentle magnetic stimulation passes through the brain stem to the brain centers to influence the desired mental state.


< Control apparatus using brain wave signal

< Device and method for carrying out spatially directed detection of an electroencephalogram

> Interactive-modified interactive event related potential (IMIERP)

> Automated realtime interpretation of brain waves

~ 00230