A method and apparatus for indicating the time and location at which audio signals are received by a user-carried audio-only recording device. In one embodiment, audio signals are received at a receiver of a user-carried audio-only recording device. A position determining system generates position information indicative of the location of the portable user-carried audio-only recording device when the receiver of the portable user-carried audio-only recording device receives the audio signals. The audio signals and the position information are stored onto recording media. The present embodiment integrates the position information with the audio signals such that alteration of the position information stored on the recording media results in alteration of corresponding audio input signals stored on the recording media.

Web www.patentalert.com

< GPS guidance system for use with circular cultivated agricultural fields

< Portable dead reckoning system for extending GPS coverage

> Integrated radio direction finding and GPS receiver tracking system

> Corner irrigation system including a GPS guidance system

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