An image transfer object is disclosed that provides the necessary mechanism to conduct a dynamic transfer operation. The image transfer object includes a static reference to dynamic data. The image data is "dynamic", in that the user may request additional views of the image. An image recipient computer receives the static reference to identify a source image on a server, and generates a first request, based on the static reference, for a view of the source image to the server. In response, the server transmits data to the image recipient computer. The image recipient computer displays the first view of the source image for viewing by the user. The user may then select a different portion of the source image, and/or a different resolution to designate a second view of the source image. The image recipient computer generates a second request to the image server for the second view, and the image server transmits additional data to generate the second view of the source image. Thereafter, the second view of the source image is displayed at the image recipient computer. A sender of the image may transmit a context for the image via e-mail or the recipient computer may download the image from a Web site. Techniques to configure the dynamic transfer object are also disclosed.


< Imaging method based on attenuation, refraction and ultra-small-angle-scattering of x-rays

< Rotating notched transmission x-ray for multiple focal spots

> Service control in a telecommunications network

> Method and system for traffic control

~ 00203