A light generating flashlight system device utilizes a large centrally located
magnet which is mounted to slide past a magnet pickup or current induction wire
which may be preferably mounted at a center point of travel in a tubular housing
having a tubular chamber through which the magnet travels. A pair of elastomeric
dampers are located each at the end of a support system sleeve which is sized to
fit within a main housing to stabilize all internal support within a sealed unit.
The result is a device which both facilitates the manual movement of the flashlight
body so that the magnet slides past the center magnet pickup or current induction
wire, and also conserves the residual momentum of the magnet once it has traveled
past the magnet pickup or current induction wire by providing a bumper and spring
to conserve some of the mechanical energy going in the other direction. Ninety
second of manual activation enables about five minutes of illumination. A ready
charger is disclosed which uses induction to charge the flashlight system by proximity
to the manual charging magnet wire.