Geranium plant named `Balcolreim`


A new and distinct cultivar of geranium plant named `Balcolreim`, characterized by its semi-double 1-colored flowers, dark green-colored foliage and vigorous, mounded and cascading growth habit.

Un nouveau et distinct cultivar d'usine de géranium a appelé le ` Balcolreim`, caractérisé par ses fleurs de semi-finale-double 1-colored, le feuillage vert-coloré foncé et vigoureux, mounded et habitude de cascade de croissance.


< Floribunda rose plant named `JACmouse`

< Hybrid Tea rose plant named `Pand565`

> Chrysanthemum plant name `Stereophonics`

> Verbena plant named `Lan Peachy`

~ 00159