Ion-exchange materials with improved ion conductivity


Ion-exchange materials comprising a polymeric backbone and a plurality of pendent styrenic or fluoridated styrenic macromonomers covalently bonded thereto, wherein the plurality of pendent styrenic or fluorinated styrenic macromonomers comprise a uniform number of styrenic or fluoridated styrenic monomer repeat units, and wherein predominantly all of the styrenic or fluoridated styrenic monomer repeat units have at least one charged group. Processes for making such material, as well as products related thereto, are also disclosed. In a representative embodiment, the ion-exchange material is utilized as a proton-exchange membrane (PEM) for use in a PEM fuel cell.

Os materiais ion-exchange que compreendem uma espinha dorsal polymeric e um plurality de macromonomers styrenic styrenic ou fluoridated pendent ligaram-se covalently a isso, wherein o plurality de macromonomers styrenic styrenic ou fluorinated pendent compreende um número uniforme de unidades styrenic styrenic ou fluoridated do repeat do monomer, e wherein predominantly todas as unidades styrenic styrenic ou fluoridated do repeat do monomer têm ao menos um grupo carregado. Os processos para fazer tal material, os produtos relacionados a isso, são divulgados também. Em uma incorporação representativa, o material ion-exchange está utilizado enquanto proton-troque a membrana (PEM) pelo uso em uma célula combustível do PEM.


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