Surface treated embossing catalyst and the use thereof


The present invention relates to a new class of blowing inhibitors and a method for discovering such inhibitors with determinable inhibition activities. The new class of blowing inhibitors are organo-silanes that may be directly adsorbed onto active catalytic sites of blowing catalysts and that can inhibit the thermo-catalytic efficiency of such catalysts.

A invenção atual relaciona-se a uma classe nova de inibidores fundindo e a um método para descobrir tais inibidores com atividades determináveis da inibição. A classe nova de inibidores fundindo é os organo-organo-silanes que podem diretamente adsorbed em locais catalytic ativos de catalizadores fundindo e que podem inibir a eficiência thermo-thermo-catalytic de tais catalizadores.


< Coating having macroscopic texture and process for making same

< Heat activated coating texture

> Backing sheet for surface covering

> Display device

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