A new and distinct variety of peach tree (Prunus persica), and which is denominated varietally as `Burpeachseventeen`, and which produces an attractively colored yellow-fleshed, clingstone peach which is mature for harvesting approximately July 17 to July 25 under ecological conditions prevailing in the San Joaquin Valley of Central California.

Una nueva y distinta variedad de árbol de melocotón (persica de Prunus), y que se denomina varietally como ` Burpeachseventeen`, y que produce atractivo coloreado yellow-fleshed, el melocotón clingstone que es maduro para cosechar aproximadamente de julio el 17 a de julio el 25 bajo condiciones ecológicas que prevalecen en el valle de San Joaquín de California central.

Web www.patentalert.com

< Apple tree: `Smith Gala`

< Hibiscus plant named `Angelique`

> Impatiens plant named `Balpixred`

> Chrysanthemum plant named `Red Yoduluth`

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