Diamonds are marked by applying apertured tapes bearing identifying indicia to the girdles, applying a flammable layer over the apertured tapes, and then igniting the flammable layer to burn the indicia into the girdles. Preferably, the flammable layer is prepackaged within the apertured tapes.

Los diamantes son marcados aplicando las cintas apertured que llevan identificando indicia a las fajas, aplicando una capa inflamable sobre las cintas apertured, y después encendiendo la capa inflamable para quemarse el indicia en las fajas. Preferiblemente, la capa inflamable se preembala dentro de las cintas apertured.


< Gemstone

< Combined two stone oval gemstone arrangement with setting

> Device for judging symmetry, brightness, and efficiency of light return in precious stones

> Gemstone

~ 00095