Enzymatic digests of whey protein isolates were prepared using animal, bacterial and fungal proteases, and evaluated for antihypertensive activities. The antihypertension activity was obtained with a hydrolysate of whey protein isolate prepared with a porcine trypsin. The recovered hydrolysate is used to treat hypertension in mammals such as humans and domestic pets such as dogs and cats.

Los resúmenes enzimáticos de los aislantes de la proteína del suero fueron preparados usando los proteases del animal, bacterianos y fungicidas, y evaluados para las actividades del antihypertensive. La actividad del antihypertension fue obtenida con un hydrolysate del aislante de la proteína del suero preparado con un trypsin porcino. El hydrolysate recuperado se utiliza para tratar la hipertensión en mamíferos tales como seres humanos y animales domésticos domésticos tales como perros y gatos.

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< Endothelial NOS transgenic animals and methods of use

> Fibrinogenolytic proteases with thrombolytic and antihypertensive activities: medical application and novel process of expression and production

> (none)

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