A carton having a lid lock comprising a lip or flap extending from a liner and a debossment, embossment or opening in a panel forming the cover. The debossment, embossment or opening receives and/or limits the motion of the lip to lock closed the cover.

Una scatola che ha una serratura del coperchio contenere un labbro o un battito che si estende da un rivestimento e da un debossment, embossment o aprentesi in un pannello che forma copertura. Il debossment, il embossment o l'apertura riceve e/o limita il movimento del labbro per bloccare chiuso la copertura.

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< Device for freshening fabrics

< System for selecting feminine hygiene products

> Absorbent article having selectively changeable size adjustment

> Method of making a breathable and liquid impermeable web

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