An "active cache", for use by On-Line Analytic Processing (OLAP) systems, that can not only answer queries that match data stored in the cache, but can also answer queries that require aggregation or other computation of the data stored in the cache.

"um esconderijo ativo", para o uso por Em linha Analítico que processa os sistemas (OLAP), que não podem somente responder às perguntas que combinam dados armazenaram no esconderijo, mas pode também responder às perguntas que requerem o aggregation ou a outra computação dos dados armazenados no esconderijo.


< Information service system capable of providing desired information depending on user-memorable information

< Scalable information search and retrieval including use of special purpose searching resources

> Apparatus and method for generating digest according to hierarchical structure of topic

> Method for extracting and storing records of data backup activity from a plurality of backup devices

~ 00080