Use of at least one polymer or one biopolymer called HBGFPP, specifically protecting the growth factors of FGFs and beta TGFs families from tryptic degradation in the manufacture of a drug for the treatment of lesions of the nervous system.

Польза по крайней мере одного полимера или одного биополимера вызвала ЮБГФПП, специфически защищая фактор роста FGFs и бета семей TGFs от триптического ухудшения в изготовлении снадобья для обработки убытоков слабонервной системы.


< Fhm, a novel member of the TNF ligand supergene family

< Implantable substrates for the healing and protection of connecting tissue, preferably cartilage

> Purification process for improving total yield of curcuminoid colouring agent

> Direct selection of antigen-specific T cells, compositions obtained thereby and methods of use thereof

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