A method of passively immunizing a mammal against a condition caused by an antigen comprising: administering to the mammal immunizing amounts of an antibody obtained from a domesticated fowl which has been immunized against the antigen; the mammal being tolerant to the antibody by virtue of having a history of consumption of antibody containing material derived from the egg of a fowl.

Метод пассивно иммунизировать mammal против условия причиненного антигеном состоя из: administering к млекопитающемуся иммунизируя количеству антитела полученного от одомашниванной пулярки была иммунизирована против антигена; mammal веротерпима к антителу by virtue of иметь историю потребления антитела содержа материал выведенный от яичка пулярки.

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< Vaccine for clostridium botulinum neurotoxin

< Therapy for clostridial botulinum toxin

> Identification of neutralizing epitopes of toxin A and toxin B for the treatment of C. difficile disease

> Methods for making and purifying antivenoms

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