The invention concerns the human g35030 gene, polynucleotides, polypeptides biallelic markers, and human chromosome 13q31-q33 biallelic markers. The invention also concerns the association established between schizophrenia and bipolar disorder and the biallelic markers and the g35030 gene and nucleotide sequences. The invention provides means to identify compounds useful in the treatment of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and related diseases, means to determine the predisposition of individuals to said disease as well as means for the disease diagnosis and prognosis.

A invenção concerne o gene g35030 humano, os polynucleotides, os marcadores biallelic dos polypeptides, e os marcadores biallelic humanos do chromosome 13q31-q33. A invenção concerne também a associação estabelecida entre a esquizofrenia e o disorder bipolar e os marcadores biallelic e as seqüências do gene g35030 e do nucleotide. A invenção fornece meios identificar os compostos úteis no tratamento da esquizofrenia, do disorder bipolar e de doenças relacionadas, meios determinar o predisposition dos indivíduos a doença dita meios para o diagnóstico e o prognosis da doença.


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