A new and distinct Vriesea plant named `Deplarly` characterized by red with yellow inflorescence toward the margins of the bracts, 32-35 cm in total height in a 11 cm pot; each inflorescence has about 9-10 branches, each about 8-12 cm long; branching starts very low on the stem; the branches are compact and are about 4.5-6.4 cm in width; abundant medium green foliage in a dense rosette; a thick stem about 10-14 mm in diameter; compact leaves about 20 cm long and 4-4.5 cm in width.

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< Verbena plant named `Sunvivaro`

< Verbena plant named `Sunvivabura`

> Poinsettia plant named `Eckakeem`

> Verbena plant named `Sunvivabupa`

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