The present invention provides a curable polyurethane polymer containing in copolymerized form A) from 10 to 60% by weight of at least one hydroxyl-containing prepolymer having at least one .alpha.,.beta.-ethylenically unsaturated double bond, B) from 0.1 to 30% by weight of at least one compound having at least one isocyanate-reactive hydroxyl group and/or primary or secondary amino group and, in addition, at least one polar functional group per molecule, C) from 0.1 to 30% by weight of at least one compound selected from diamines, polyamines and mixtures thereof, D) from 0 to 10% by weight of at least one further compound other than A), B), C) and E) having at least two isocyanate-reactive groups, which are hydroxyl groups and mixtures of hydroxyl groups with primary and/or secondary amino groups, E) from 0 to 20% by weight of at least one compound having an isocyanate-reactive group, F) from 10 to 65% by weight of at least one compound having at least two isocyanate groups, and the salts thereof, wherein the ratio of isocyanate group equivalents of component F) to equivalents of isocyanate-reactive groups of components A) to E) is in a range from 0.4:1 to 0.9:1, polymer dispersions comprising at least one such polymer, and the use thereof.

La presente invenzione fornisce un polimero curabile del poliuretano che contiene dentro copolymerized la forma A) da 10 a 60% del peso almeno di un prepolimere idrossile-contenente che ha almeno un alpha., legame doppio insaturo di.beta.-ethylenically, B) da 0.1 a 30% a peso di almeno un residuo che ha almeno un gruppo isocianato-reattivo dell'idrossile e/o il gruppo amminico primario o secondario e, in più, almeno un gruppo funzionale polare per la molecola, C) da 0.1 a 30% a peso di almeno un residuo scelto dalle diammine, dai polyamines e loro miscugli, D) da 0 a 10% a peso di almeno un ulteriore residuo tranne A), B), C) e la E t invention provides a curable polyurethane polymer containing in copolymerized form A) from 10 to 60% by weight of at least one hydroxyl-containing prepolymer having at least one alpha..beta.-ethylenically unsaturated double bond, B) from 0.1 to 30% by weight of at least one compound having at least one isocyanate-reactive hydroxyl group and/or primary or secondary amino group and, in addition, at least one polar functional group per molecule, C) from 0.1 to 30% by weight of at least one compound selected from diamines, polyamines and mixtures thereof, D) from 0 to 10% by weight of at least one further compound other than A), B), C) and E) avendo almeno due gruppi isocianato-reattivi, che sono gruppi dell'idrossile e miscele dei gruppi dell'idrossile con i gruppi amminici primari e/o secondari, E) da 0 a 20% a peso di almeno un residuo che ha un gruppo isocianato-reattivo, F) da 10 a 65% a peso di almeno un residuo che ha almeno due gruppi dell'isocianato ed i sali di ciò, in cui il rapporto degli equivalenti del gruppo dell'isocianato del componente F) agli equivalenti dei gruppi isocianato-reattivi dei componenti A) - E) è in una gamma da 0.4:1 a 0.9:1, dispersioni del polimero che contengono almeno un tale polimero e l'uso di ciò.


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