Mixtures of isomeric nonanols and decanols are obtained by joint aldol condensation of n-butanal and pentanals, and up to 1% by weight of 3-methylbutanal, hydrogenation of the aldol condensation product to the corresponding saturated alcohols, and separation from the reaction mixture of the components boiling at temperatures lower than those of the nonanols and decanols. The pentanals are mixtures of 60 to 90% by weight of n-pentanal and 10 to 40% by weight of 2-methylbutanal. The alcohol mixture is especially suitable for preparing ester plasticizers.

Смеси изомерных nonanols и decanols получены совместной конденсацией ацеталдола н-n-butanal и pentanals, и up to 1% by weight of 3-methylbutanal, гидрогенизацией продукта конденсации ацеталдола к соответствуя насыщенным спиртам, и разъединением от смеси реакции компонентов кипя на температурах более низко чем то из nonanols и decanols. Pentanals будут смесями 60 к 90% by weight of н-n-pentanal и от 10 до 40% by weight of 2-methylbutanal. Смесь спирта специально целесообразна для подготовлять пластификаторы эстера.

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