The invention pertains to methods of altering growth, lignin content, coniferyl and sinapyl alcohol units in the lignin structure, disease resistance and cellulose content in plants by transformation with a lignin pathway p-coumarate Co-enzyme A ligase (4CL) nucleic acid.

De uitvinding behoort tot methodes om de groei, van de lignineinhoud, van coniferyl en van sinapyl alcoholeenheden in de ligninestructuur, de ziekteweerstand en de celluloseinhoud in installaties door transformatie met een Co-enzyme A van de lignineweg te veranderen p -p-coumarate ligase (4CL) nucleic zuur.


< (none)

< Electromagnetic radiation shield for attenuating electromagnetic radiation from an active electronic device

> Halogen exchange reactions in preparing catalysts and their precursors

> (none)

~ 00045