Printable sheets such as business forms and adhesive play mats having removable labels integrated therein are produced by applying pressure-sensitive adhesive directly to the base sheet of the printable sheet without a paper backing and encapsulating the adhesive with a solid silicone layer. The base sheet is die cut or perforated in regions where the adhesive is applied to define removable labels.

Las hojas imprimibles tales como formularios comerciales y esteras adhesivas del juego que hacen etiquetas desprendibles integrar en esto son producidas aplicando el pegamento pressure-sensitive directamente a la hoja baja de la hoja imprimible sin un forro de papel y encapsulando el pegamento con una capa sólida del silicón. La hoja baja es dado cortado o perforado en las regiones donde el pegamento se aplica para definir etiquetas desprendibles.


< (none)

< Container for use in collecting debris

> Compositions and methods for the modification of gene expression

> (none)

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