A reworkable high temperature adhesive, comprising the reaction product of (a) a thermoplastic adhesive selected from the group consisting of polyetherimides, polyamide-imides, polysulfones, polyethersulfones, silicon-carbon thermosets, polyphenylene sulfides and mixtures thereof; (b) a metal acetonate; (c) an epoxy resin; (d) a crosslinker; (e) and a catalyst.

Um adesivo de alta temperatura reworkable, compreendendo o produto da reação (a) de um adesivo thermoplastic selecionou dos polyetherimides do grupo, do polyamide-imides-imides, dos polysulfones, dos polyethersulfones, dos thermosets do silicone-carbono, dos sulfides do polyphenylene e das misturas consistindo disso; (b) um acetonate do metal; (c) uma resina epoxy; (d) um crosslinker; (e) e um catalizador.

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