Topically applicable sunscreen/cosmetic compositions well suited for the photoprotection of human skin and/or hair against the damaging effects of UV-irradiation, particularly solar radiation, comprise an effective UV-photoprotecting amount of at least one characteristically novel aminoamidine compound, advantageously having the structural formula (I): ##STR1## formulated into a topically applicable, cosmetically acceptable vehicle, diluent or carrier therefor.

Las composiciones tópico aplicables de sunscreen/cosmetic manan satisfecho para el photoprotection de la piel humana y/o el pelo contra los efectos perjudiciales de la UV-irradiacio'n, particularmente radiación solar, abarca una cantidad uV-photoprotecting-photoprotecting eficaz por lo menos de un característico compuesto del aminoamidine de la novela, ventajoso teniendo el fórmula estructural (i): ## del ## STR1 formulado en un vehículo, un diluyente o un portador tópico aplicable, cosméticamente aceptable por consiguiente.


< (none)

< Antireflection film

> Device for displaying and dispensing a plurality of products

> (none)

~ 00034