The present invention provides a compound having the formula ##STR1## or a salt thereof which facilitates the delivery of active agents. Compositions and dosage unit forms comprising the compound of the present invention and at least one active agent, such as a peptide, mucopolysaccharide, carbohydrate, or a lipid, are also provided. Methods of administration and preparation of the compounds and compositions of the invention are provided as well.

Присытствыющий вымысел обеспечивает смесь имея ## ## STR1 формулы или соль thereof облегчает поставку активно веществ. Составы и формы блока дозировки состоя из смеси присытствыющего вымысла и по крайней мере одного активно вещества, such as пептид, мукополисахарид, углевод, или липид, также обеспечены. Методы администрации и подготовки смесей и составы вымысла обеспечены также.


< (none)

< Methods for reducing the effects of cancers that express A33 antigen using A33 antigen specific immunoglobulin products

> Method and apparatus for magnetic resonance imaging

> (none)

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