A Virtual Campus including interactive work plans and administrative resources presented online through a WEB interface. Through the Virtual Campus a learner can communicate with others, create and update an individual work plan, access required resources, store work, and be apprised of Virtual University announcements. While online, learners may create work groups with other learners, use a suite of business tools, interact with a registrar, or open a library data base. In addition, an online Virtual Campus can assess those skills a student has successfully mastered by analyzing progress through the aggregate of course modules completed. Academic and career guidance can be formulated referencing the accumulated detail of the students learning experience. Each software module and element can have a list of skills associated with it. The database of skills can reflect a students capabilities in greater detail than is possible using only a final course grade or grade point average.

Web www.patentalert.com

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< Credit based flow control scheme over virtual interface architecture for system area networks

> Exhaust gas recirculation arrangement including a disc valve

> (none)

~ 00027