Disclosed are enantiomerically pure cyclic aminoalcohol esters of arylcycloalkylhydroxycarboxylic acids with at least 90% enantiomeric excess of the (3R,2'R), (3S,2'R), (3R,2'S), or (3S,2'S) configured enantiomer.

São divulgados os esters cíclicos enantiomerically puros do aminoalcohol de ácidos arylcycloalkylhydroxycarboxylic com ao menos excesso enantiomeric de 90% do (3r, 2'r), (3s, 2'r), (3r, 2), ou (3s, 2) enantiomer configurarado.

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> Symmetrical multiprocessing bus and chipset used for coprocessor support allowing non-native code to run in a system

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