A process for, and apparatus for, Chemically-Mechanically Polishing (CMP) a semiconductor wafer with a slurry including ElectroRheological (ER) and/or MagnetoRheological (MR) fluids. The combination of the materials and an electric field provides inherent tuning of polishing rates, locally and globally, and improves flatness and uniformity, as well as minimizing recession and erosion.

Um processo para, e instrumento para, Chemically-Mechanically que lustra (CMP) um wafer de semicondutor com uma pasta including líquidos de ElectroRheological (ER) e/ou de MagnetoRheological (SR.). A combinação dos materiais e de um campo elétrico fornece ajustar inerente de taxas lustrando, localmente e global, e melhora o nivelamento e a uniformidade, as.well.as o recession e a erosão minimizando.

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< (none)

< Glass for a substrate

> Measurement of complete electrical waveforms of tissue or cells

> (none)

~ 00017