The invention relates to a cellular radio network and a method of connecting a base station (100) to a cellular radio system, which enable a fast and automatized installation of base stations wherever an IP information network is available, the cellular radio system comprising a base station system which comprises as network elements a base station controller (102) and at least one base station, and in which method the base station controller controls at least one base station. The invention is characterized in that the network elements (102,100) are interconnected by an information network using a packet protocol, and that each network element is provided with a unique network element address, and that the network configuration information of said information network using the packet protocol is maintained at a configuration server (104) connected to the information network, and that a new base station connected to the network first contacts the configuration server, and that the configuration server transmits the network configuration information to the base station.


< (none)

< Derailleur for a bicycle

> Method and apparatus for communicating messages of varying protocols over a single communications network

> (none)

~ 00015