A new and distinct variety of Ilex plant found as an openly pollinated seedling of Ilex Hybrid `Mary Nell`. The new variety possesses a dense, upright, pyramidal growth habit, an abundance of attractive orange-red fruit, glossy dark green foliage, and distinctly arranged leaf serrations.

Une nouvelle et distincte variété d'usine d'Ilex trouvée comme jeune plante ouvrir pollinisée de ` hybride Mary Nell` d'Ilex. La nouvelle variété possède une habitude dense, droite, pyramidale de croissance, une abondance de fruit rouge-orange attrayant, le feuillage vert-foncé glacé, et les dentelures distinctement disposées de feuille.

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< Process for converting hydrocarbons by treatment in a distillation zone comprising withdrawing a stabilized distillate, associated with a reaction zone, and its use for hydrogenating benzene

> Ilex hybrid plant named `Conty`

> (none)

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